Our Mission: To help people know God through vital worship… dynamic growth… faithful service
Our Guiding Principles:
- Vital Worship – The worship service, based on Scripture and prayer, is to be God-focused and Spirit-led, filled with praise and adoration; to relate to everyday life; and to meet people where they are but not leave them there.
- Dynamic Growth – Two focal points of dynamic growth are teaching and personal growth, both based in Scripture and prayer. Dynamic growth helps us develop a hunger for the Word. Dynamic growth causes us to love, to reach out and to help us be more like Jesus.
- Teaching goals are to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ and to transform lives.
- Personal growth goals are to deepen our walk with Jesus, to become life-long learners and to discern God’s will for our lives.
- Faithful Service – Our service is based on Scripture and prayer as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to preach the transforming Good News of Jesus Christ, to demonstrate Jesus’ love both within and outside the church, to pursue opportunities to discover physical and spiritual needs, and to define and meet the needs of individuals all in God’s name and for His glory.

Evangelism and Outreach:
- Tuesday Free Meals – Since 2009, First Presbyterian Church has been offering free meals on Tuesday evenings for anyone in the community with a need. Our eight teams of workers serve an average of 68 people each week. Meals are served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Funds for the meals are donated by church members over and above their annual tithes.
- English as a Second Language (ESL) – Our popular ESL classes assist adults in developing English language proficiency using the New Interchange series. ESL classes at First Presbyterian Church are offered on Tuesday evenings beginning at 6:00 pm and include instruction in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each level has 16 lessons presented in 20 sessions. Students must have 80% attendance to move to the next level. Children of all ages are invited to come with their parents and participate in our Tuesday night Kids Club. To keep it even more fun, class participants occasionally gather in fellowship to celebrate their successes.
- Missions – First Presbyterian Church demonstrates faithful service through the investment of time and money for missions of all kinds, from local to world-wide. Our congregation’s enthusiastic mission support includes the following:
- Local ministries – Great Banquet, Awakening, Sanctuary of Williams County (homeless ministry), HELP (Bryan Area Ministerial Association’s assistance program), Outreach, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Compassion Clinic (medical clinic), Habitat for Humanity, the Emergency Discretionary Fund and personal food vouchers for those in need.
- Nationwide ministries – Kairos (prison ministry), Theological Education Fund, American Red Cross
- Worldwide ministries – Solid Rock and Solid Rock Missions, SIM, Isaiah 6:8, Gideons, One Great Hour of Sharing
- KREW (Kids Radically Experiencing Worship) for children from preK through 5th grade, meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Children listen and learn Bible stories and do projects together as they learn about Jesus Christ in a fun and safe environment.
- IMPACT – for youth from 6th through 12th grade, meets Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the church. Through worship, fun, a unique message, and small groups, our youth look at how God can IMPACT us, so we can IMPACT the world.
- ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION – a variety of studies and small groups are available to help all who are seeking to deepen their walk with Jesus, to become life-long learners and to discern God’s will for their lives.
- Home Bible Study Cell Groups are offered throughout the week in church members’ homes. Choose the day, time and location that is best for you, and join one of our small study groups as we share a bit of music, simple snacks, and a deeper conversation about the Holy scriptures. Groups are available on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.
- Precept Upon Precept Bible Study is a deep dive into specific books of the Bible, and includes homework, class discussions, a video lecture and prayer time. The group meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
- Man-to-Man Bible Discussion Group is a Bible-focused study group for men seeking non-stressful discussion and scriptural learning. This small group meets from 10:30 to 11:30 am on Tuesdays.